
What Every Parent Ought To Know About Private Tutoring

What Every Parent Ought To Know About Private Tutoring

Is your child unmotivated about school? Is he/she struggling to get higher grades? What about SAT, ACT, GCSE scores and other challenging tests required to get into a decent university or college? Is it your child’s fault that he/she can’t find the time to balance all of these? OF COURSE NOT!

All children are capable of achieving excellent academic performance, but not all of them do. With the help of private tutoring, High School Students will be able to improve their grades, get good test scores, and apply to their dream university. How? Well most factors related to poor academic performance are actually outside the student’s control, and there are 3 major factors.

Factors That Are Student-Related

Factors that are related to the student such as a learning disability, which is student-centered, and may create an obstacle to reaching certain academic standards. Motivation or the lack of it can also lead to lower grades.  A student may be fully capable of earning high grades but might simply not care enough about school to exert the effort. Issues of motivation could be placed upon the parents or even the school, but sometimes it could even be related to psychological factors like high stress levels or anxiety.

Factors That Are School-Related

Schools themselves can contribute to students getting low grades. For example, in schools that don’t have a flexible and engaging curriculum, a number of students will doubtlessly fail to learn the taught material. Schools have to understand that not all students think the same way, students have different learning styles, and they need a diverse curriculum that takes into consideration their individuality. In addition to that, school funding plays a major role in student’s performance, for example in schools that can’t afford to pay for more teachers, or get expansions built, the classes will get more and more crowded, which fragments the teacher’s attention and doesn’t allow for a comprehensive explanation of the lessons, and the teacher will be spending more time on class management than teaching; Which leads to our next point,

Factors That Are Teacher-Related

We can safely agree that teachers play the biggest role in student’s academic performance. If a teacher isn’t passionate about teaching, or lacks experience dealing with children, it won’t be easy for the students to develop a complete understanding of the subject or material. Moreover, if a teacher is extremely authoritative, the classroom environment might hinder fruitful discussions, and collaborative learning. In that scenario the student might even get discouraged to ask questions, and will become less inquisitive, and overall less interested.


Private tutoring can be a solution to all these problems, by giving the student the special attention that he or she needs and deserves; it focuses on their areas of weakness, and makes up for any short comings on the school or the teacher’s part. Tutoring can help improve subject comprehension, increase confidence, and build learning skills. Private tuition also gives students individualized explanation that they don’t get in a crowded classroom. This helps children who struggle to keep up, as well as those who aren’t challenged enough to stay interested and exert more effort. So here are 9 benefits of tutoring:


Individual and unique learning experience

Your child will receive an individualized learning experience that he or she can’t always get in a classroom setting. Tutors can customize the lessons and activities that cater to your child’s specific needs, which helps bored or under-stimulated children reach their full potential.

One-on-one attention

Tutors get to know your child’s individual learning style and can adapt their teaching methods accordingly. They act as your child’s own private teacher. It also provides an environment free of distractions, with fewer students and disruptions around so your child is better able to focus on learning.

Improves academic performance

Tutoring will prepare your child for tests and exams. Your child’s grades and understanding topics will improve when substantially when working with a tutor. This leads to the increase of your child’s self-esteem and confidence by providing him or her with the resources and skills he or she needs to excel in school.

Improves attitude towards learning and school

Learning will become fun for your child. With constant encouragement and praise, your child will be less stressed, and no longer overwhelmed or frustrated with school.

Improves work and study habits

Through tutoring, your child will learn work and study habits he or she such as time management, prioritizing tasks, productivity. These skills will help prepare your child to successfully achieve his or her goals both in school as well as out of it. By learning to take initiative for his or her school work, and control the learning pace.

Encourages independence and responsibility

With the right tutor, your child will gain the ability to work independently, without your help. Personal tutoring will help the student realize his or her own personal growth and will learn to take responsibilities for his or her studies.

Helps overcome learning obstacles

Your child’s tutor will specifically target whichever aspect of learning he or she is having troubles with, whether it’s writing, math, language, or reading. 

Encourages the freedom to ask questions

At school, your child may not always feel comfortable asking questions in front of his or her peers, or as mentioned earlier the classroom environment might not be very encouraging. Tutoring will help teach your child to be comfortable asking questions, big or small, without feeling self-conscious, which can increase their curiosity and love for learning.

Prepares your child for college

To prepare for college, students need to learn how to create study plans, develop advanced study skills, and learn superior time management skills. Tutoring services will help your child become a better communicator, form better relationships with peers, and make more positive social and behavioral adjustments, which also prepares him or her for university and life later on.


The scope of education has gotten a lot wider these days, new ideas and concepts are constantly being added to the curriculum. Not to mention that the development of society has opened the door to education for all classes of society which led to a big increase in the average number of students in each class, it also led to an increase in the overall number of educated individuals, causing more competition in the job market. Nowadays only the most qualified individuals have a chance at success, with unemployment rates on the rise, not just in the UAE but also globally, private tutoring becomes an irreplaceable asset, in order to assure a successful future for your child.

Now that you know what to look out for in a private tutor, you can go ahead and try to find the best tutor for your child. The tutor can help the student improve his or her grades, and you can watch him or her reap the full benefits that private tuition can offer. This way you will be sure that your child is in safe hands, enjoys what he or she is learning, and is on a journey of academic and personal growth.

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